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Parfümflasche aus Glas

» Parfümflasche aus Glas

  • Produktbeschreibung

Produktart: Flasche mit ätherischen Ölen, Parfümflasche
Material: Glas, Bambus
Kapazität: 5ml/10 ml
Probe: frei

This is one of our new Bamboo Wood 5ml & 10ml Fragrance Spray Bottles! Crafted from sustainable bamboo packaging, these eco-friendly bottles add a touch of elegance and nature to your fragrance collection. What sets these bottles apart is their ability to be customized according to your needs and wishes. Our skilled artisans can engrave your logo on the bottle, creating a unique and personal touch. Designed for multiple uses, these spray bottles fit the current eco-friendly trend of reusables. Embrace sustainability and style with our Bamboo Wood 5ml & 10ml Fragrance Spray Bottles today!

Email: sales5@baolinglass.com
Wir chatten/WhatsApp/TEL/Skype: 0086 199-5371-0952

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